ORU's Dual Enrollment Program offers over 30 general ed courses that may count towards a student's high school graduation requirements AND college graduation requirements simultaneously. High School students may choose from the list of online Advantage courses available, or they may choose from most 100-200 level courses that are offered on campus. Online courses are available to grades 9-12, and courses on-campus are available to grades 11 and 12.
The Advantage Program (ORU’s dual enrollment program) is for high school students grades 9-12 who currently have a GPA of 3.0 or above. Once a student has graduated high school, he/she is no longer eligible to participate. Online courses are available to these students in grades 9-12, and concurrent courses on campus are available to students in grades 11 and 12. Students in 8th grade are eligible to take 099 courses or LDR 999: College Success Strategies.
Dual enrollment is beneficial because it allows students to earn high school credit and college credit simultaneously, saving them both time and money. As a high school student completes college-level general education courses, it allows for a lighter course load as an undergraduate student and potentially the ability to graduate college earlier. Dual enrollment courses are severely discounted compared to undergraduate courses, so taking dual enrollment courses saves money in the long run.
Each Advantage student is allowed to take up to 10 credit hours per semester. It’s recommended that new Advantage students begin with just one or two courses, as college-level courses can be quite rigorous.
- Each of our Advantage courses are offered in the fall and in the spring.
- To find a calendar for Advantage courses offered on campus, visit: https://oru.edu/admissions/advantage/on-campus/advantage-on-campus.php. Advantage students taking concurrent courses on-campus follow the residential calendar for undergraduate students.
Our online courses are asynchronous, so students may work on their courses at any time of the day and from any time zone. Students need to make note of when assignments are due and turn them in on time. Most courses have weekly assignments and additional projects throughout the term. The professors over each course monitor and assess the students and provide feedback.
The rates for both online and on-campus Advantage courses are:
- $75–Per one credit hour course
- $150–Per two credit hour course
- $225–Per three credit hour course
- $300–Per four credit hour course
- Digital textbooks are $70 per course in ADDITION to tuition.
To be eligible to take Advantage courses ONLINE, we don’t need test scores or transcripts -- just an approval form filled out by your high school guidance counselor. This approval form is automatically sent to your counselor’s email address when you submit your online application. Each applicant must have at least a 3.0 High School GPA.
To be eligible to take concurrent courses ON CAMPUS, we need an approval form filled out by your high school guidance counselor AND a current high school transcript on file. This may be sent to admissions@oru.edu. The high school approval form is automatically sent to your counselor’s email address when you submit your online application. Each applicant must be at least a junior in high school and must have at least a 3.0 High School GPA.
The easiest place to apply is on the Advantage homepage: advantage.oru.edu. Right in the center there is a hexagon that says APPLY NOW, or you may go to: https://go.oru.edu/advantageapplication.
Current Advantage students do not need to complete another application since it has been previously submitted. You may submit your course requests for the upcoming semester by completing the form found at the bottom of the Advantage home page: https://go.oru.edu/enroll. We will make note of the courses you’d like to take and, since Advantage students cannot enroll themselves like undergraduate students can, we will enroll you. We’ll then send a confirmation email with your next steps.
- First take a look at the 28 online courses we offer here: https://oru.edu/admissions/advantage/online/advantage-online.php (Scroll down to select Courses Offered)
- Once you know which course or courses you would like to take, you may:
- Apply here if you are new to the Advantage Program: https://go.oru.edu/advantageapplication
- OR complete a course request form if you are returning to the Advantage Program: https://go.oru.edu/enroll
- After that, we will call you to confirm the course(s) as well as your contact information, and we will enroll you.
- Once you are enrolled, we’ll provide a confirmation email with steps for registration and payment.
- From there, you’ll receive access to our online learning platform, D2L, and learn how to access and navigate your course.
ORU Student Support Services exists to coordinate reasonable academic and non-academic accommodations for students with documented disabilities and temporary medical conditions so they can participate in all aspects of university life.
Examples of acceptable documentation include
- A copy of the student’s high school IEP or 504 plan
- Psychoeducational evaluation,
- Letter (on letterhead with signature) from the student’s physician or therapist that identifies the disability.
Once disability documentation has been received, the student will be contacted by ORU Student Support Services to schedule a meeting to discuss accommodations and helpful campus resources. Accommodation letters are then sent to the student and his or her faculty.
For more information, don't hesitate to contact disabilityservices@oru.edu or 918-495-6655.
- Be sure that you are completing the application on an actual computer, not a mobile device, and that you aren’t in a place (like a high school) where the wi-fi is blocked by firewalls.
- If you are still experiencing errors, try using a different browser. ORU's preferred browsers are Chrome and Firefox.
- Be sure to choose Dual Enrollment as the Program in the drop-down menu on the first page of the application, and make sure you select the correct term.
On the Advantage application, there is a field marked Guidance Counselor Email Address. You must enter your high school guidance counselor’s email address in this field. When you have completed the application and press Submit, an automatic request for approval is sent to your high school guidance counselor. The counselor then completes the approval form and submits it to us.
Students who are homeschooled may put the email of the person in charge of their high school graduation requirements in the field asking for high school guidance counselor. For most homeschoolers, this is a parent. For others, such as students who attend Epic Charter School, this is their Graduation Support Specialist.
You will find a list of all the Advantage courses offered by visiting: https://oru.edu/admissions/advantage/online/advantage-online.php (Scroll down to select Courses Offered)
Current Advantage students do not need to complete another application since it has been previously submitted. You may submit your course requests for the upcoming semester by completing the form found at the bottom of the Advantage home page: https://go.oru.edu/enroll. We will make note of the courses you’d like to take and, since Advantage students cannot enroll themselves like undergraduate students can, we will enroll you. We’ll then send a confirmation email with your next steps.
To view degree plan sheets, go to: https://degreeplansheets.oru.edu/
- Select the most recent Academic Year
- Select a Department such as: Biology and Chemistry
- You can select/download whichever major under that department that you are interested in looking at, such as: Biology - Health Professions
- General education courses are found on the second page, and these courses overlap with many Advantage courses we offer online.
Science labs such as biology, chemistry, and physics are done at home. The course will list specific supplies necessary for experiments and often asks students to report on the results of the experiment.
The rates for both online and on-campus Advantage courses are:
- $75–Per one credit hour course
- $150–Per two credit hour course
- $225–Per three credit hour course
- $300–Per four credit hour course
- Digital textbooks are $70 per course in ADDITION to tuition.
To complete registration, please follow these steps:
- Log into vision.oru.edu using your Z# (Z-----------) and pin (preset to your six-digit birthdate, MMDDYY)
- Select Registration Quick Links
- Click on Registration Steps/Online Bookstore and select the applicable term (ex: Fall 2021) to view your registration steps
- Click on the red INCOMPLETE next to ORU Email and complete the section
- Click on the red INCOMPLETE next to Address Verification and complete the 3 sections
- Click on the red INCOMPLETE next to Student Authorization, Release, and Financial Contract and complete the section
- Scroll down a bit to select a payment method: You can choose 1) Enroll in monthly payment plan or 2) Pay online
- Once you have made payment, go back to the red INCOMPLETE beside the word Registration and click on it - this will act as a submit button
- For a helpful step-by-step guide to registration, and to view a short demonstration video, please visit go.oru.edu/AdvReg.
To complete registration, please follow these steps:
- Log into vision.oru.edu using your Z# (Z-----------) and pin (preset to your six-digit birthdate, MMDDYY)
- Select Registration Quick Links
- Click on Registration Steps/Online Bookstore and select the applicable term (ex: Fall 2021) to view your registration steps
- Click on the red INCOMPLETE next to ORU Email and complete the section
- Click on the red INCOMPLETE next to Address Verification and complete the 3 sections
- Click on the red INCOMPLETE next to Student Authorization, Release, and Financial Contract and complete the section
- Since your school will be invoiced, you will NOT be required to select a payment method, or make payment.
- Your registration will still say INCOMPLETE, but since your school will be making payment, we will complete it on our end.
Put in your birthdate MMDDYY. If it says that it is expired, ignore it and enter your birthdate again. It will ask for you to change it, but do not. Just enter in the same birthdate 3 more times. If it doesn’t work after that, contact us at 918-495-6670 and we will re-set your pin.
- Visit vision.oru.edu. Select LOGIN WITH Z-NUMBER & PIN.
- Type your Z-number and PIN (your six digit birth date, MMDDYY). If it says that your PIN has expired and asks you to change it, do not change it. Just enter in your birthdate 3 more times.
- To create your ORU email, select the following:
> CREATE/UPDATE USERNAME, PASSWORD, AND E-MAIL ADDRESS. - At the bottom of this screen, you will see an automated, preset email address. Delete the preset address and create your desired email address. Then create a password and click submit.
- IMPORTANT: Please allow 5-10 minutes after the creation of your email to synchronize with our
system. Then visit mail.oru.edu to login to your ORU email account. It’s important to check your inbox often since all email communication from ORU will
be sent to this address from this point forward. You may also check your ORU Email
from the Advantage Student Hub as well.
PLEASE NOTE: After you create your ORU email address, you can login to your VISION account using “LOGIN WITH USERNAME AND PASSWORD.” Your username is your ORU email address.”
Typically, dual enrollment courses offered by private universities, such as ORU, are not covered by the state.
Financial Aid is not offered for Advantage courses, but monthly payment plans are available.
Please follow these steps:
- Log into vision.oru.edu
- Click "Registration Quick Links"
- Click "Student Schedule"
- Select appropriate term
- Press "Submit"
ACCESSING YOUR COURSE and desire2learn (D2l)
For detailed instructions, go to advantage.oru.edu and click on "Advantage Student Hub".
- In D2L, go to the Main Menu bar.
- Click on NEWS. Your professor's announcements should appear.
- If you do not see anything, click on the arrow underneath NEWS to view the announcements.
You may learn how to see your grades on each assignment in D2L by viewing this short video: D2L: Grades.
For detailed instructions, go to advantage.oru.edu and click on ""Advantage Student Hub." See #3 "Locate your Digital Textbook" for more info.
For Online students, the digital textbooks are $70 in addition to tuition, and this cost is included in your balance when you complete your registration. If you have completed your registration, you’ve already paid for your digital text.
For On Campus students please email advantage@oru.edu for information regarding the cost of course materials.
Yes, but it depends on the course. Some courses require the digital courseware because it is interactive and a necessary part of the course. To find out if your course requires the digital courseware, contact Dr. Carolyn Stubbs at 918-495-6186 or castubbs@oru.edu.
If your course does not require the digital courseware, you may go to orustore.com, enter your Znumber and scroll down to Suggested by Your Bookseller to view and purchase the hard copy of the text. Be sure that Dr. Stubbs has confirmed that you do not need the digital courseware for the particular course in which you are enrolled.
During the Drop/Add Period:
Students may drop/add courses within the first two weeks after the course has begun. Simply email advantage@oru.edu with your request, or call 918-495-6117 with the request to drop or switch classes. Please see Refund Schedule for eligible tuition reimbusements below.
After the Drop/Add Period:
If it is after the drop/add deadline, students must petition to withdraw by following the steps below. No reimbursements are available after the drop/add deadline.
- Go to petitions.oru.edu
- Click on New Petition
- Select the petition type and the applicable term (ex: Fall 2022)
- Enter a statement/reason for your request
- If you drop the course during the FIRST week of drop/add, you are eligible for a 90% tuition reimbursement.
- If you drop the course during the SECOND week of drop/add, you are eligible for an 80% tuition reimbursement.
- After that, no reimbursements are available.
For questions about reimbursements, please contact Student Accounts at studentaccounts@oru.edu or 918-495-6370.
ORU will mail hard copies of official transcripts to high schools that have 10 or more students enrolled in the Advantage Program. If your school has fewer than 10 students enrolled, you will need to order your official transcript to be sent to your high school guidance counselor's email address. Instructions can be found here.
If you are home schooled, you may order an official or unofficial transcript online.
- Login to vision.oru.edu with username and password
- Select Student Services & Financial Aid
- Click on Student Records
- In the dropdown box that appears, select Official or Unofficial Academic Transcript
For more detailed instructions, please visit registrar.oru.edu, select Transcripts, and then Official Transcript Ordering Instructions.
Here is the link to request that your transcript be sent to other colleges: https://oru.edu/current-students/my-enrollment/registrar/order-transcript.php
Advantage Program Manager
Katie Hesser: 918.495.6670 or advantage@oru.edu
Advantage Program Support Specialist
Hayden Bevenue
Advantage Academic Coaches
Chrissie Belyeu: 918.495.7081
Dennu Titus: 918.495.6160
Advantage Academic Coordinator/D2L
Dr. Carolyn Stubbs: 918.495.6186 or castubbs@oru.edu