Every job submitted to Titan is assigned to a partition (also called queue) before they are run. The partition tells Titan which compute nodes to use to ensure optimal job execution. Titan has several public partitions that can be used depending on the type of job you plan on running.
Name | Job Time Limit | Description |
Normal | none | Includes general compute nodes with two Intel Xeon Broadwell CPUs, most 20-core 2.2GHz and 128GB RAM |
sb | none | Includes general compute nodes with two Sandybridge 8-core 2.6GHz and 128GB RAM |
vm | none | Includes general compute vertulized nodes to give opportunity test software without using production nodes. |
To specify a partition, use the following line of code in your batch script:
#SBATCH --partition=[partition name]
Example: To use the normal partition:
#SBATCH --partition=normal
Please contact us at supportorca@oru.edu if you have questions about which partition is best for your job.